A structured guide to help you take apart, evaluate and learn from the creative works of others.


1. Find projects related to your research topic

Find a project among the recommended repositories that are linked to your research topic.

Capstone Recommended Websites


2. Description. What can I see?

Let’s limit yourself to an objective, accurate pure description of the project.


3. Analysis. What is the artist trying to say? How they did it?

Understanding the artist choices, purpose and context.


4. Subjective Interpretation: What does it Communicate to Me?

Overall feeling and understanding of the artwork, what you understood and how it make you feel.

Case study

The Eternal Return, Pre-Hispanic Interactions


Artist: Cristhian Avila Cipriani

Short description: The Eternal Return is an art installation that seeks to impact on the private and collective imaginary using 3D impressions from pre-Hispanic musical instruments that are “played” again by the wind with technological assistance. The intention is to hear random interpretations of someone else's past. This process makes us wonder about how we understand time and, as in the paradox of Theseus' ship, whether we can confirm that the sound is the same if the body changes?

Year: 2022